Now Offering Physical Therapy at Aligned Integrated Health
We are excited to announce that we have a new physical therapist at Aligned Integrated Health who can begin guiding patients on their journey back to health and wellness. Our Physical Therapist, Michael Branson DPT, has many experience in physical medicine and regenerative medicine, and is excited to begin seeing patients at our clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. We are excited to begin making meaningful changes in the lives of our patients, so if you have been Googling, “physical therapy near me in Scottsdale, AZ,” come see us at Aligned Integrated Health today.
Who Needs Physical Therapy?
Anyone who is suffering from chronic pain, loss of mobility, or any other chronic or recurring symptoms that affect their daily life and activity level can benefit from physical therapy. Physical therapy is often prescribed or recommended after an injury, after a stroke, or after certain surgeries that affect the patient’s ability to walk or use certain muscles or limbs. The goal of physical therapy is to rehabilitate the patient so that he or she can get back to work, the hobbies and activities he enjoys, and spending time with family and friends.
What is Included in Physical Therapy?
Your physical therapy exercises and activities will depend upon the injury, area affected, and your prognosis. We will perform an initial evaluation to determine the scope of your injury and how you are coping, and will also perform re-evaluations as your therapy progresses. We will also administer tests that measure how well you move around, including walking, climbing steps, reaching, bending, and grasping. We will evaluate your posture and balance and your heart rate. Your treatment may include:
- Exercises or stretches
- Massage, heat or cold therapy, or therapeutic ultrasound
- Education and practice with using a prosthetic
- Training in using assistive devices like a cane or walker
Benefits of Physical Therapy
Physical therapy will ultimately improve your mobility and health to the point where you can resume many of your normal activities once again. If you have more severe or permanent injuries, your physical therapist will advise you as to what percentage of recovery you can expect. The primary benefits of physical therapy are:
- Pain management
- Improve mobility, balance, and flexibility
- Recover from or avoid the need for surgery
- Return to work, hobbies, and other activities
- Manage symptoms of underlying conditions like diabetes
Learn More About Physical Therapy in Scottsdale by Contacting Us at Aligned Integrated Health
To learn more about our new physical therapist at Aligned Integrated Health, or to schedule an initial evaluation, call us today or schedule an appointment online.
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Physical Therapy